Sunday, March 29, 2009

In like a lamb and out like a ROOOOAR Leo


March came in like a Lamb but WOW has it ever gone out like a Lion. This past week we've had at least 30+ cm of snow fall and enjoyed a few days of -15C temps. Bloody hell this is suppose to be Spring isn't it?!!!

I'm blaming my sister for our weather woes. She arrived from AUS last Sunday for a 3 week visit and she's loving all this "winter like" weather.

For me... I'm over it.

Aside from shoveling the driveway ever other day, Elle and I have been pretty busy entertaining and caring for my two newest.. and cutest household members.

We (meaning me) adopted them from the SPCA yesterday and last night was their very first night in their new home!!

York and Winston

OMG they are just the cutest most adorable kittens!! These brothers were abandoned about a month ago and have had a rough start at life. I am very honoured to welcome both of these loveable kittens into my home,

Now if they would only get out from under my bed LOL ;)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The madness that March brings

I've never been one to sit on the couch and watch sports all day, or even pay much attention to sport competition until it means something (from a casual, fair weather TV fan's perspective).

The Olympics, Euro, World Cup, Champ League, Tour de France, Stanley Cup finals, Masters etc etc etc... are all great examples of when my interest is perked and my ass is planted in front of my HDTV.

Notice that I didn't mention the World Series... ug.. baseball.. I would rather watch paint dry.. but I digress.

As there is one more year until the Winter Olympics, this past February was pretty hum drum far as sporting events are concerned. We had the Super Bowl on Feb 1st but not much since.

Enter March and the madness that ensues when the NCAA tournament begins!!! This is almost a right of passage. Every year at this time 2 things happen. One - Spring arrives. and two - the madness begins!!

I won't pretend to be a NCAA basketball fan because I am not. I am a casual sports fan who enjoys experiencing the "big" games when it's all on the line!!.... who then returns to a quiet "normal" existence. hehe

With that in mind, I present my Final 4 picks, based mostly in part on my favourite teams over the years and nothing to do if they actually have a shot at winning LOL.

Go Zags!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

6 months and a wake up and whole lot of vaccinations

Wow an update that doesn't include IDOL!!

6 months from now I begin my education at the U of C to get my Bachelors of Nursing (BN).

Thankfully I'm getting credit from my undergrad, Chiropractic and Massage Therapy education and am entering my 3rd year of Nursing school. I'll be graduating in less then 2 years baby!! April 2011!!! WOOT!!

In the mean time, before I can participate in my clinical practicums I need to have some important vaccinations updated.

Things I'm good for but need to obtain official records.

-Varicella-zoster (Chicken Pox) : Contracted as a child

- Poliomyelitis : Childhood immunization at school

Things I need a booster for:

- Tetanus/Diptheria (Td)

Things I need to be tested for (mandatory for all Nursing students)

- Tuberculosis (TB) : Mantoux test performed during within 1 year of entering program

Vaccine series I need to get or redo (because it was too long between timed doses)

- Hepatitis B (Hep B): 3 doses (0, 1, 6 months)
- Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) : I'm actually unsure of my vaccination Hx here and need to find out.

Let the good times roll!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

2 for 3 again but happy Scott made it in

Short entry today. I was 2 for 3 again last night but while I am sad Kristen didn't get through I am really thrilled to see Scott get the props he deserved. The judges are right when they say this guys sings with his heart and passion. Expect great things from him in the coming weeks.

Tonight is Wild Card night and I honestly have no idea who the judges will choose. Please though, for the love of all that is holy and good in this Earth, send Tatyana home!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tues night = IDOL night!

There is something about reality TV that can suck a viewer in. As one gets to know the "contestants" and begin to identify and emphasize with them we begin to feel some of their emotions. It really is "Reality" TV hehe.

Ok Ok yes I am a schmuck for shite like this but I'm "only" watching 3 reality series this season. Idol, Survivor and my ultimate favourite, Hell's Kitchen. Chef Ramsay FTW!!

Tonight is Tuesday which means it's IDOL night, specifically the final 12 of 36 performed. Thankfully I recorded the first 30 min before I started watching to give me a slight telecast delay. Invariably there are always contestants who will suck so bad my ears will bleed so I needed to fast forward those parts. Unfortunately the first 4 or 5 singers were 'effin brutal! Von was ok (contestant #1) but he's still shouting and shite. My ears bled and I died a little inside. ;)

Thankfully things ended on a high note (literally) with Lil Rounds [by far the COOLEST name ever] rocking the house.

My picks for the top female, male and next best for tonight are:

Lil Rounds!!



Sunday, March 1, 2009

March comes in like a lamb

After a nasty bout of winter weather last week with -30C wind chills and snow, we deserved some nice weather for a change! Thankfully today is the 1st and (unlike previous years) March came in like a cute baby lamb. Beautiful sunny skies and warm temps melted some of the snow that's piled up these past few months.

Melting snow means that (soon) I can start riding outside again!! My fall from 2 weeks ago hasn't deterred me and I just might fancy a ride up to the Y tomorrow morning. This time I shall forgo the pathway and stick to the roads. LOL

Even if March does go out like a lion, I'm hoping we'll enjoy some gorgeous "Spring-like" weather conditions these next few weeks.

No blog entry would be complete without an honourable mention of American Idol.

I should concede that I was only 2 for 3 with my predictions last week. Adam and Allison were sure bets for top Male and Female but the next highest vote total was a shot in the dark. I for sure though Mishavanna had a decent shot at the final 12 but I guess viewers liked Kris Allen's rendition of "Man in the Mirror" more.
